
rock: (verb) to be friggin' awesome. Schist that Rocks is music (and other things) that we feel (regardless of genre or era) rocks. Whether it's Lead Belly, Led Zeppelin, Frank Zappa, Dr. Dre, Beethoven, The Godfather, or Pizza; if it rocks, we love it. Listen in every Tuesday 2-4 PM WTBU.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Good morning, sweet prince....

[This post was started in the studio and then continued in my room]
I'm sitting in the studio now, wrapping up the final 2-4 AM broadcast of Schist That Rocks. Don't worry, the show ain't over! I'm doing two shows next week (at arguably better times!) and I think I'll have a better time next semester, but I'm gonna miss this time slot a little. Oh well...

I had a nice little interview with Doug, Craig, and Josh from Slothbear Wednesday night and you'll be able to hear the interview on Monday at 10pm! Maybe I'll even let a listener win a copy of their new album Qids (which would be stupid, cuz it's available online), or something. I realized that the studio ran out of Bitch Slap posters, so I can't give those out...

But before you can listen to Slothbear on Monday, I've got an event to plug for Saturday! The Thin Heir, Lamp Attack, and my good friend Jimmy Ikeda will be playing at the All Asia Bar tomorrow (Saturday) from 3-6pm! I'll definitely be there, and Jimmy has kindly agreed to let me make an appearance during his set and steal the show away. Come on down, support local music, and have a good time! Oh, and it's 8 bucks to get in (but it's not 21+).

Right now, I can't think of anything else. Except for sleep. So, yeah, see you on saturday, listen in on monday, good luck with finals.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Drum roll please...

Hey guys, I'm proud to announce that although Schist That Rocks did not win "Best Variety Show," I did win "Best Sweeper/Show Header!" Okay, so they added "the" to the name of my show, but it still counts! I was a little more excited that I was nominated for this one because everyone gets nominated for their own genre, but I was actually nominated for Best Header for something I did. Also, I'm the only one to record my own header as opposed to doing it with our Productions Manager, Joe (who does a great job with headers), and did it on Audacity no less.
The award show was pretty fun, even though they only had deep-dish pizza (it's good, but it's more of a casserole). There were some great performances by Intimate Sleepover (pop covers on Ukuleles and a kazoo), The Lonesome Mississippi Drifters (pop covers on acoustic guitars), and Jesse Schwartz (serious music with an accoustic guitar) too.

In other news, I still have two interviews waiting to happen: Slothbear and Red Vinyl. If you have any questions for the interview, let me know.

Also, I'm still uploading all the recorded broadcasts of the show, and added a link to my page on OurMedia.org (although I kinda like the player on archive.org better). I'm starting to think that maybe I should've chosen a better quality format than 64kbps MP3, cuz I'm hearing some fuzzyness and distortion in a couple spots, what do you guys think?
Anyway, here's the February 5 one:

I realized too late that the header I used in this one (and possibly in one other) was not the award-winning header, but rather it's evil uncensored twin brother. I'm really sorry about this.

Also, tomorrow (Tuesday) night at 7pm, BU's Linguistics Association is showing Francois Truffaut's film L'enfant Sauvage (The Wild Child) in the Geddes Viewing Room, CAS 537C. It's supposed to be a great movie, and it's on a great topic. I'll definitely be there.

Anyway, time is running out so I better make these last shows rock!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

You're Invited to the WTBU Awards!

I know this is short notice, but I'm inviting you all (and you too!) to the WTBU Awards tomorrow night (Sunday) 7:30 at BU Central. Schist That Rocks is nominated for "Best Variety Show" and "Best Header," and your other favorite WTBU show(s) are nominated for stuff too. There's free food, too, so come and have a good time! Also, please find me and say 'hi!' I'll be the one that looks awesome.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Well, I'm starting to get the hang of the whole podcast thing, and I'm proud to announce that the first recorded broadcast of Schist That Rocks (aside from the audition) from Jan 29 is now available online!

A quick disclaimer and something to keep in mind: This was my first show, alone (I was used to the group conversations of Trash Radio). I am reminded of this whenever I hear myself talking in this recording (especially in the beginning). I was a rookie, and I'd like to think that I've gotten better since then. That being said, the music is still good and the talk isn't ALL horrible.

So far, you can find this one at Archive.org and OurMedia.org

Looks like from now on, you can find each show at http://www.ourmedia.org/users/hartley whenever I post them. I'll be posting the rest as well, so keep checking!
Also, I'm thinking of trying to post the show as a podcast on iTunes and/or something similar.
Let me know if you have any suggestions (and if you know anything about running a podcast, cuz this is a little new to me)!


So, I had Slothbear call the studio Tuesday night, but we had some technical difficulties and had to postpone the interview. Worst comes to worst, we'll just do it live.
Whether or not Slothbear comes on tonight's show, I'll be giving out the self-proclaimed "thinking man's B movie," Bitch Slap! It looks horrendous and possibly hilarious.

Also, I now have in my hand every single broadcast of Schist that Rocks! The plan is to release it as a podcast that can be updated every week. I'm thinking of recording shows from home over the summer, too.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Interviews to Come

Hey everyone, as you might have realized, the semester is almost over. The same goes for regularly programmed radio on WTBU. Don't worry, we still have some time together. Once regular programming ends around finals, it switches to "Cram Jams" where any DJ can sign up for any timeslot on any day. So, during finals, you will be able to listen to Schist that Rocks at a much better time (and possibly more than once in the week)! I'm getting a little ahead of myself, though. We still have time before finals, so keep listening at the regular time (2-4 AM eastern time Friday Mornings) until further notice.

In our limited time before finals, I plan on fitting in TWO interviews.
The first is local band Red Vinyl, who won the opportunity to come on the show after wining that battle of the bands a couple weeks ago. They describe themselves on their myspace as sounding somewhere in between Guns n Roses and Soundgarden, and they're not that bad, actually.
The second interview, which I am very excited for, is Slothbear. I've been playing their stuff on the show for a while, and they came out with an album a couple weeks ago (it was #6 most played on WTBU last week).
We're still coordinating times for the interviews, but everything should be decided soon and I'll post info here and on Facebook.

That's all for now. If you're a student: good luck with the rest of the semester.

Also, if you'd like to become part of Schist That Rocks (DJ, intern, w/e), let me know :)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Hey Everybody!
So, I hope you enjoyed the warm sunny weather, cuz it disappeared and might not come back next week.

More importantly, I hope you enjoyed this week's show. As promised, here's the cover art for 8 Ball Aitken's album Rebel With a Cause. Special thanks to Sarah from Rock, Socks & Bollocks for showing this to me!
I played some new music, specifically: "Toumei Sunday" by Funanori (a Mike Watt & Kaori Tsuchida project) and two songs ("No Dialogue" and "White Christmas") off of Slothbear's fisrt full length LP "Qids." Qids came out this past week and is available for free digital dowload here. It's pretty darn good, and since it's free, I'd suggest you check it out!

oh, and I've got some BIG NEWS! The station now records and archives all shows, which makes my plans for uploading all shows a lot easier! Very soon you'll be able to listen to any episode of Schist that Rocks at any time on your computer.

Remember that Battle of the Bands I mentioned? Well, the finals are tomorrow (Saturday) at the All Asia Bar in Cambridge. The winner gets to come onto Schist that Rocks, so you might wanna check that out. I think if you pay (21+: $8, everyone else: $12), you get to vote for your fave. I won't be able to be there, but there were a couple good bands last time.

So, I think that's all. Lemme know what you think of Slothbear and Funanori! Have a great weekend.